Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Voicemail to You

Yo. It's me. Just checking in. Sorry we've been playing phone tag this week, or has is been a year now since we've talked? I can't believe it's been 10 months since Lehman's collapse. Time sure flies when you are uber-stressed.

Plus I think we've all been really busy, worrying about the world and wondering about the future. Not to mention the fact that "So you think you can dance" starts just a couple short weeks after the "American Idol" finale....so Tuesdays through Thursdays are totally shot. And many people down in the Richmond area have to shop on Saturday because UKrops is closed on Sunday. So I really only have Friday and Monday to catch up with people and I guess we're just not on each other's top 5 list lately.

(FYI for the non-Richmonders, UKrops is a grocery store that is closed every single Sunday because the owners are overly-religious. If you ask me, it's stupid to own a business if you are out of business 14.29% of the time. Especially when it's probably more like 40% out of business since most people shop on the weekends. FFYI (For Further Your Information, like PPS) I refuse to shop there, I don't care how good their produce is.)

So after my Saturday shopping, I need to rest. They say that more sleep is good if you are stressed so I guess a four hour nap is in order..."Yaaaawn, I can't believe I slept that long."

In case you did not know, we are having a baby soon, very excited we are. Amelia seems to understand what is happening so hopefully she won't regress too much when the baby comes. And I can't believe she's three already! I know, I know. If this was a real conversation instead of a voicemail, you'd probably be all like, "I can't believe she is three either. I have not seen her since her 1 year birthday." Like I said time flies.

Anyway, I hope all is well. I mean of course "I hope all is well." What a stupidly cliche thing to say. Unless we were enemies of some sort, of course I'd hope all is well.

I would not be making a half-ass effort to get in touch with you if I didn't at least think about you a couple of times per quarter. It just takes me a while to get around to it. You know what I mean. So I'm mostly sure you are well, I just don't really know since we don't keep in touch like we easily could... shoot, I wish we both had unlimited long-distance calling plans to make it easier... oh wait, we probably do.

holla back. The Tef.


- Why put off what you can do right now! If you're still thinking about it and not doing it, then you are still procrastinating.
- Call someone today that you have not talked to in a while.
- Answer the phone next time you see a call come in that you have to think about answering for more than a second.
- Reach out to your family if just to say hello for a few minutes. 3 minutes and 30 seconds on the phone is better than a 4 minute voicemail.
- If you're good at calling folks, then do something else productive today. Clean some crap in your house, list a few things on eBay, invent something...whatever, you do, just do.

And lastly, my movie recommendation for the month. "In Bruges"... check it out. Very funny and some darkness. A few times that you'll want to look away if you don't like any blood, but you'll know when it's coming so you can prepare. Interesting plot, very good writing and a "pick your poison" ending.


In conclusion, have a great day.
I hope you are well.

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